
If you had an unexpected C-sec..

...and ended up having subsequent C-sections, were you less or more nervous about the next surgery, given that you'd already experienced it?

I hope that made sense.

I had an emergency section with Seth, so didn't really have time to think about it/be disappointed/get scared, and I had a fairly easy recovery.

Due to a lot of different reasons, I'm having another section in August, and I'm starting to realize I'm actually nervous about it....

Anyone have similar feelings?

m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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Re: If you had an unexpected C-sec..

  • I was a little nervous as the date approached. I ended up going into labor 2 days before the date, so I was in so much pain I didn't think about it. I think it's normal to be nervous; it IS surgery. FWIW, I've found my recovery this time to be 100% better. I have the dermabond, instead of staples, and have had nearly no pain from the c-section (I'm 10 days out now). I even left the hospital a day early b/c I felt fine and there were no problems. I used to joke that the cut was already there, might as well use it (to mask my nerves), but try not to think about it until it's closer. And remember, you've been through it before and know what to expect.
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  • Yes, I'm a little nervous.. but I'm more nervous about having a horrible labor resulting in a c section like I did w/DD. So while I sometimes wish I was able to just have a natural (medicated of course!) labor... I've come to terms that this is in fact the best thing for me.

    I have no disappointment - never did. I think how you parent a child is way more important than how you deliver a baby.

    Good luck!!

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  • different nerves. With #1, I was more nervous about what was going to happen during the surgery etc.   But the excitement of meeting my baby made it ok.

    With #2, I was nervous about the pain afterwards, how I would manage with an older child and less nervous about the OR stuff.

  • I had an unexpected CS with DS1.  He was 9lbs 4 oz, 21" and got stuck.  For DS2, I was a little nervous but I didn't have the fear of the unknown like I did with DS1.  I was a little nervous because of some of the little details I remembered like going to the bathroom for the first time and stuff, which were super uncomfortable.
    Momma to 2 sweet boys!

    Lost 65 lbs. on WW 2009-2010
    May 7, 2011-First 5k run (a horrendous 13:30 pace, but I finished!)
    June 4, 2011-2nd 5k run with an 11:15 pace
    Haven't signed up for the next one yet!
  • I wasn't nervous until they wheeled me into the OR this time.  I felt very prepared and "ready" this time.  Once I got into the OR I felt almost paralyzed by fear....fear of the unexpected, fear of a serious complication, and overwhelmed by the emotions that are accompanied by just hearing that sweet baby's first cries.  It was a very emotional moment.  I was even nervous about getting the spinal (which, by the way, was a piece of cake).  Once the spinal kicked in, I began to relax a little.  But once all the tugging and pressure and pulling of just trying to get her out began, I became an emotional wreck which peaked when I heard her first cries and first laid eyes on her.  Overall, it was a MUCH better experience this time around.  My recovery was SO much easier in every way.  It's weird how subsequent C Sections can be so much easier!  I was discharge from the hospital a day early because I was up and walking, catheter free, eating solids and weaning off pain meds. the day after surgery.
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