
We are back.....

The hearing test room was crazy. It was like a bank vault, double doors and very tiny. Anyway -

The test is 4 parts long and they were only able to do 2 of them. She failed the third part but they believe it was because she lost attention. She scored within the normal level for those 2 parts. then they took her to another room to check for fluid behind her ear drum, which there was none.

We go back in 3 months to re-try all 4 tests. So at this point, her hearing is fine. Which is a wonderful thing, because they was the EI people went on and on about how this is all caused to hearing loss and now to find out it is now - scares me. I just hope it is Ella being Ella.

And on the pregnancy horizon AF isn't due this Saturday/Sunday so I am going to wait till Saturday to test.

Re: We are back.....

  • So when will they do the other two parts of todays tests?  I'm glad she's okay.
  • I'm sorry you have no answers-- that must be so frustrating. ?But good news about her hearing :)
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  • That's good news that her hearing is fine!  Hoping that everything works out for you guys at the next test.

     Wow, you're trying for #3?!  Exciting!

    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • She goes back 6/30 for the tests again.

    the one thing that worries me was that the Early Intervention people told me not to worry about her receptive language being so low because it was due to hearing loss and not a cognitive thing. Well it isn't due to hearing loss, so what else is up.

  • how was it done? They talk through speakers and see if she looks that way or responds? Those tests are crazy.

    Anyway. I'm glad her hearing is fine.

    Sounds like maybe, just maybe...your kid is stubborn? lol

  • M - we sat in the middle of the tiny 1/2 of the room in a chair. Each side had 2 big speakers and on top was a box with an elephant and a dog. when she looked the right way the animal would light up and dance.

    She has got to be stubborn, just like me :)

  • yep thats the one B had when she was younger and as she got older it was a little better, like they talk into the speaker at different levels and have her repeat words. I think having the fluid level be gone is great!!!

    Honestly L, she's still really young! Unless there are other reasons other than her not speaking much why you'd be concerned, then I'd just wait a little. She's really small still I think and maybe like you said, she may just be stubborn for real! lol

    I am so glad though that there's no hearing loss. I'd keep up with the ENT visits every 3ish months to make sure her ears stay clear.

    Good Luck, I know its not easy!

  • I'm glad her hearing is OK!  Hopefully she'll be able to catch up with her speech sooner than later. 


    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you were looking for but I'm glad that her hearing seems to be fine! Try not to stress too much. Like X said, she is still really young. Honestly I was surprised when you told us that she qualified for EI. She's not much older than my little one and she doesn't have any "real" words either! Also keep in mind that she's a second child and they will often times talk later. If they are anything like my girls, big sis does a lot of talking for both of them. Little ones also have to block out lots of noise from their older sibs!
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