I'm doing absolutely nothing today. Nada. Sitting on the couch, drinking water, and not doing anything. Hopefully this works! MH thinks I'm being silly and that a birthday of April 1 really wouldn't be that bad, but I think tomorrow would be much better!
Re: In an effort to not have an April Fool's baby
I went to school with a girl whose b'day was 4/1....she hated it!
Yeah tomorrow would be much better.
No, Claire was just 8 days early. I've been having contractions since 33 weeks, and the contractions started getting things going slowly at 35 weeks....yesterday at my appointment I was 4cm and 80% effaced, so there is definitely no way I'll be making it to my due date! I'm still having contractions constantly, just not actual labor contractions I guess...so it could really be any time. I think part of the problem is that I am a teacher and I'm on my feet, walking all over school picking kids up for our small-group sessions, then came home and chased after Claire for all of those weeks. My body just couldn't take it! My last day of work was Friday because of all of this that has been going on. I'm hoping that taking it easy for a few days will help Jack cook a little bit longer!
wonder if the labor nurses would say "yeah right, april fool" if you walked in today and say I'm in labor lol