TTC after 35

Help! This cycle is making me crazy! - a bit long

Hello, TTC@35+ friends. 

I may have had my first anovulatory cycle. TCOYF tells me it's normal to have one occasionally, but I can't keep myself from thinking that this somehow means menopause is coming, and it's freaking me out a little. So please tell me that it's ok if I didn't ovulate this month...

I wouldn't blame my body if it didn't O. Right around the time I usually O, I had 12 in-laws at my small house for brunch. I figured I'd O the next week - last week - but even more stress awaited. I witnessed an accident in which a little boy was hit by a car. And then the next day, my mom told me she might have lupus.

I thought I'd be delayed again, but then yesterday, on day 23 of what is usually a 28-31 day cycle,  I had significant spotting.  So I think my body just gave up, and AF is coming - she's not here yet, but I'm expecting the old hag.

Then there's this: I'm not even 100 percent positive I didn't ovulate. My temps say no. But last evening, on a hunch, I took my temp after dinner. It should have said 98.6, but it said 97.4. I asked DH to take his temp, and it said 98. So I'm off to buy batteries.

See? I hate this cycle! Thanks for letting me vent.

Re: Help! This cycle is making me crazy! - a bit long

  • First of all, don't even say that M word!  We're way too young for that!  Big Smile  Second, look at all the stress you've had this month, no wonder your body is freaking out!  I'd say take a deeeeeeeeeep breath, maybe even get a mani and pedi, and just try to relax.  You deserve it! 
    TTC #1, Cycle 22 - Jan 2009 IUI , Femara & Follistim: 7/21/09: BFN Multiple rounds of Clomid June 2012: Decided to move on to IVF after 3 more rounds of Clomid Sept 2012: Got a call from a friend asking us to adopt her baby
  • Do you ever spot around ovulation?  Maybe you are ovulating now.  I wouldn't worry if you don't ovulate this month.  You certainly have been under a ton of stress.  I don't think it would have anything to do with age.  FYI on the temp, I have occasionally taken my temp during the day or at night (Why? I don't know), but my temp is usually lower during the day than it is when I wake up.

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  • imagehollymichael:

     FYI on the temp, I have occasionally taken my temp during the day or at night (Why? I don't know), but my temp is usually lower during the day than it is when I wake up.


    Really?  Huh. When I've checked my temp during the day in the past, it's always been around 98.6.  But this cycle has been so unusual, that I think anything is possible!

    I do sometimes spot around ovulation - but just a teeny, tiny bit. Nothing that would require a pad. But then again...wacky cycle!

    Thanks for saying it doesn't have anything to do with my age and the big M. Anything else I can deal with.


  • Thanks, Lucky. I didn't even mention that this week and next I'm in charge while my boss is away.

    Ok. Taking a deep breath. That mani and pedi is sounding good!

  • Anovulatory cycles happen to all of us at various times. Just look at it this way: you're now so in tune with your body that you actually noticed, and maybe it's saving up that egg to give you an extra-good shot at pregnancy next month.

    And hey, I try to avoid houses full of IL too - can't blame ovulation for taking a pass this month  Wink

    2012 Races: Mar 24: Great Human Race 5K. April 28: 5K for Fitness
  • 12 in laws would do anyone cycle in.  Indifferent

    It's not uncommon for every woman, regardless of age and reproductive health, to have an anovulation cycle.  If you notice that you have them a lot than talk to your Dr.  Is it possible that you are ovulating late?  What CD are you on? 

    I think I ovulated on CD29, I thought for sure before that I was having an anovulation cycle. 


  • imageBirdieBrd:

      What CD are you on? 

    I think I ovulated on CD29, I thought for sure before that I was having an anovulation cycle. 


    Hi, Birdie.

    I am on Cycle Day 25.  With everyone's support, good humor, and just the priceless ability to vent here, I'm starting to chill. I'll either ovulate or get full-on AF shortly, I hope. And either way, there's hope for a BFP in my future. I really needed to hear that anovulation this month does not mean  I'll never ovulate again!

  • just putting my 2 cents in...I bought a new thermometer over the weekend at the end of my cycle and it said it could just be that your temp was a little off...or it's O spotting we dare say...implantation spotting???  ...or your body may just be responding a little wacky to all the stress you've had

    Hope your Mom is doing well!

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  • I've had two anovulatory cycles in the past year. ?One was my first cycle charting! ?Boy was I annoyed! ?The second was December, and I work retail so just a bit of stress! ?It's no big deal, although a complete waste of time when ttc, and it definitely has nothing to do with the big M!
    Image  by TinyPic Me 43, DH 49 Married November 3, 2007 TTC #1 since November 2007 First RE appointment May 13, HSG 5/17- tubes are clear, SA - very good, FSH 6.8, rubella immunity, saline sonogram 7/2 - uterine polyps, hysteroscopy date FINALLY 9/4! Blood pressure and thyroid are under control! Come on BFP!!!! My Blog IUI#1 1/14 , AF=BFN 1/28, IUI #2 3/9, AF=BFN 3/20 Cycle 20 IVF #1 = BFP!!! Beta #1- 196 Beta #2- 784 Egg retrieval 5/1 - 11 eggs! Update 5/2 - 9 mature, 7 fertilized! Embryo transfer 5/6 - transferred 2 beautiful blasts and have one snowbaby Induction scheduled for 01/11/10 - 38 weeks, 1 day April 3, 2012 FET with snowbaby (identical twins) BFN and a big broken heart Moving on to DE Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker8/2012-Donor chosen! 9/2012-12/2012-Donor passed all testing, off BC pills, waiting to complete 2 full cycles. 12/16/2012-cannot move forward with donor, cycles not regulating. 12/17-New proven donor 1/11- started Lupron on our baby boy's 3rd birthday 
    Egg retrieval 2/27 - 27 eggs, 24 mature, 19 fertilized
    Embryo transfer 3/4 - 2 beautiful, hatching blasts and nothing left to freeze.  Beta #1 461 9dp5dt. Beta #2 1230 11dp5dt.
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