I think I am spelling that wrong. ?But anyways I spoke with Brendans Pedi GI today about his spit up and how it's not getting any better. He asked if B had gained any weight, he hasn't in fact he has lost weight. Only a couple ounces but he doesn't have weight to lose. ?the Pedi GI says it is too risky to put him under to do the endoscopy so we have to wait. ?I understand this but my baby is puking all DAY nonstop this is unacceptable! ? He suggested adding more oatmeal to the bottles....um no thanks he is having problems going to the bathroom enough as is. ?
Do any of you have any advice??
Re: frustrated with pedi gi and to young for endoscopy
Hi. Sometimes I feel like my DD just spits up all day also. Im sure you maybe doing all of these thing too but this is what seems to help us.
Burp her alot.
Add rice cereal to every other bottle.
Stop feeding her every 3hrs. Let her tell me when she was hungry but dont let her go passed the 4hr mark.
Increased her Raglen.
Has he had an upper GI? That's pretty non invasive and can look to see how thngs are flowing..
As for stopping it.. I have no idea, man. Robbie has a fundo (surgical reflux solution) and STILL heaves.
My Blog
yup he had a gi done a couple weeks ago it didn't show anything. He actually puked up all the barium on the table during the x-rays.?
we had to stop reglan as that was making him sicker, burping seems to make it worse since it moves him around. ?Ugh so sick of puke!?
Have you tried erythromacin? When reglan stopped working for Olivia we switched and it worked much better.
Is he on formula? Perhaps the formula is making it worse?
?Yup B is now on Zantac and erythomacin. ?He is on formula..I pumped in the beginning but my supply tanked so I stopped pumping. ?:( ?He is on Enfamil Gentlease?
My thing is this if it is a food allergy I want to know...sooner rather then later ya know? ?We are starting solids slowly. ?
Have you tried anything stronger than Zantac like Prevacid?
You could always try a different, more elemental formula to see if it helps. Perhaps you could ask your doctor about that.
We have done these combos: ?just reglan (NICU), reglan and zantac, reglan and prevacid, zantac and prevacid,zantac and reglan again, ermythocin and zantac. ??
I think its time for a new belly lol ?
Well, dang! You've tried just about everything I can think of. Are they saying he's to small for an endoscopy? We had them done for both boys. Aside from trying another formula like Neocate or something even more elemental (and they are all nasty to eat) I have no other ideas. Wow, I'm so sorry!! Poor B!