
Diagnose my DS

When putting DS to bed last night, I noticed his cheeks seemed a little more rosy than usual.  As I put him in his PJ's I noticed a bunch of tiny, very tiny, pink dots all over his legs, stomach, and back, that seem slightly raised.  (Think like goosebumps.)  He doesn't have a fever, and is acting totally normal.  This doesn't seem to bother him at all and is still there tonight.  If it still seems to be there in the morning, I will call the pedi. 

But, Dr. Nesties, what could this be?  Any ideas?

Re: Diagnose my DS

  • Heat rash?  Contact dermatitis?  Has he been playing outside more than usual (getting hot etc) or did you change detergents lately?

    My DS gets totally random rashes now and then... not typically anything I worry about unless he's acting funny, has a fever or it seems to bother him.

    You'll have to let us know the the REAL doc says :)

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