

I just saw your post about giving your toddler fiber.  I know this is late, but I just wanted to let you know that I recently found a fiber gummy at Target.  Its a dietary supplement that is in the form of a gummy bear (I think its a penguin actually).  Basically its like candy but it doesn't have any sugar in it.  DD loves them and they've helped her.

Here is a link:

Re: **mikeandmonica**

  • Thanks!  I got so many helpful suggestions.  Some of them were "Duh!" ones - like the prunes.  But I never would have thought of looking for supplements!  We're going to the pedi next week for DS2, so I will ask him about the ones you mention here.  We don't normally have these issues, but I just realized that is probably why we're having PTing issues right now too - he odens't want to go potty because he is worried he'll poop, and it hurt last time, so that is probably what is going on. 

    Thanks again!

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