My DD is 12 days old and is doing really well with BFing...I luckily have a great supply so far. My question is, is how long should she nurse on each side? Is 10-15min enough?
When he was that young, I let him nurse for as long as he wanted (he always ended up falling asleep). Once he got a little older, I think he nursed for about 15 to 20 minutes on each side.
Totally depends on the kid. For DS at that age, anything from 5 mins to an hour (if he was feeling lazy).
Their tummies are the size of a walnut, they can fill that in 5 mins if they want to, but mostly they take more like 15 or 20 mins. I don't believe in timing it, just wait until they're finished. You'll know.
There's no set time. You feed them until they are full. SOmetimes that takes 10mins, sometimes 30, sometimes one side, sometimes both. They really need both the foremilk and the hindmilk for their development, so don't pull them off just because you think it's been long enough - follow the child's lead. Sometimes it takes letting them fall asleep, waking them up with a diaper change, and then putting thme back on the same boob.
At that age DD ate FOREVER! Sometimes I was feeding for over an hour. I always wished for a quick nurser..especially when I had to nurse in public. She loved to take her sweet time
no set time. When they are done you'll know. My DS took forever nursing and never did get "quick" at it. It was really exhausting but I am glad I stuck to it.
Re: BF'ing a newborn question
When he was that young, I let him nurse for as long as he wanted (he always ended up falling asleep). Once he got a little older, I think he nursed for about 15 to 20 minutes on each side.
Totally depends on the kid. For DS at that age, anything from 5 mins to an hour (if he was feeling lazy).
Their tummies are the size of a walnut, they can fill that in 5 mins if they want to, but mostly they take more like 15 or 20 mins. I don't believe in timing it, just wait until they're finished. You'll know.