
What are your Easter traditions?

Do you have any traditions you do for your DC(s) every year?  Are there any special ones that you grew up with?  

We dye eggs, do baskets from the Easterr bunny and hunt for eggs.  I know some people have great traditions when it comes to Easter and I would love to hear (or steal) some of them!

DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: What are your Easter traditions?

  • I want to know what other people do with their dyed Easter eggs once they're colored. They're hard-boiled right? Then dyed? Then what the heck do you do w/ them?
  • imageBluesmoothee:
    I want to know what other people do with their dyed Easter eggs once they're colored. They're hard-boiled right? Then dyed? Then what the heck do you do w/ them?

    We hard boil them, color them, then hide them Easter morning.  Then they sit around and most of them get tossed in the trash. 

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
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  • imageBluesmoothee:
    I want to know what other people do with their dyed Easter eggs once they're colored. They're hard-boiled right? Then dyed? Then what the heck do you do w/ them?

    We eat them.  Usually make deviled eggs or something like that. 

    Yodajo...we do the same thing you do.  But I don't hide the hard boiled eggs.  We hide plastic eggs and put little treats in them for DS to find. 

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  • We dye eggs (and use them with flowers as the centerpiece, we are careful to keep them in the fridge most of the time because we eat them in egg salad later).

    We do a neighborhood egg hunt at the park.

    We have a small egg hunt and baskets from the bunny with my family after Easter Mass.

    We always have lebanese food for Easter (no idea how that one got started, we're not lebanese). 

    We did something new this year that I hope will become a tradition.  I found a kit of 6 ceramic eggs with paints at Target.  I'm going to have the kids each paint a couple of eggs every year.  I think it will be fun to see how their egg painting skills change from year to year. 

  • We don't hide the hard boiled ones, just plastic ones.  There is always one that doesn't get found.  That would start to smell pretty badly.
  • It makes better sense to hide plastic ones.  Maybe we'll do that this year.  A mom in my playgroup said her dog found the hidden eggs first one year and that the result was not pleasant. There's that worry or that you may forget about one.  Ew.
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
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