
triplet moms who did it alone

If you were alone during the day with your trio, please tell me how you managed to bottle feed all three. We currently have the help of my mom so I feed two in bobby pillows on either side of me and she feeds our baby girl with reflux. This lovely situation will come to an end soon so I'm freaking out a bit. How did you do it? This is the only thing that still makes me nervous, all three crying and wanting to eat at one time. We tried bottle propping with now success. I'm sure it can be done, right?

Re: triplet moms who did it alone

  • i did it sometimes by myself, not all the time, though.

    do you have high chairs that tilt?  we have the fisher price space saver ones, and we'd put the babies in the high chairs, put the trays on, place the bottles on the trays and use rolled up blankets to keep the bottles in place. it worked really well for propping, and i'd just sit in front of them and fix the bottles that would fall or whatever.

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  • We used podees, they worked for us but of course they don't work for everybody.. they have to have a really strong suck for it to work. But when they started using those, we'd sit them in their bouncy seats and they'd do the rest. It was heaven when we discovered those. I could never get the hang of propping either!
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  • I was thinking about podees, too!
  • jmn69jmn69 member
    Just wondering, will they necessarily always have to be fed at exactly the same time?  I only have twins, but I would feed them one at a time.  I wonder if you could do like you're doing with the two in boppys and then feed the other one after (or before)?  Although I get that sometimes they probably all are starving at exactly the same time and screaming to be fed.  And obvioulsy more time consuming as well.
  • I have propped their bottle from very early. I think the boppies are really no good for propped their bottle. I use them now that they can hold their own bottle. I used their swings and chair. The seats reclined. Then a blanket or two, to hold the bottle. This way I stay on schedule, and it keeps them happy. It's crazy to try and feed three kids at different time. You will end up feeling like you do nothing but feeding babies. I also suggest if you prop do it will all three. If you do two and hold the other one, if someone loses a bottle or has issues you have to put the one you are holding down while you fix the other. Then the crying begins.
  • Not a triplet Mom, but its hard enough with twins.  You triplet moms and above are amazing!!!!
  • I worked in a daycare where the ratio was four to one and occasionally I would have to feed three at once.  I could sit and prop one baby on one leg and kinda balance the bottle with the other leg semi stretched out and then have two on boppies on either side of me feeding them.  Not ideal, but possible. 
  • My babies were the same age as your when i started to also do it alone. I would woud prop bottles. i was able to put two on the couch and hold a pillow under  their chins to keep the bottle in place. the car seats work pretty well also. i remember at this age that i would go places by myself and it seemed like they would always want to eat before we left, so i would end up feeding them all in the car seats.

    you can do it. it may take a couple of tries to get the routine down, but after a couple of tries you will be feeding these three babies by yourself like a pro.

  • Do it alone??? HA!!

    My mom has also been here since the day the boys were born. She's going to be gone soon too, but I am also going back to work so the boys are going to daycare starting the end of April.

     That said, when I have had to feed them alone, I am the master at propping bottles! I can feed two and surf the net at the same time! LOL 

    When I feed all three, I put them all in boppys and fill the holes so that they are on an incline. Then I use blankets to prop up the bottles, then I am free to go from baby to baby as needed. For me.. the basket weave gerber receiving blankets work the best. When I feed two at once I put one in my boppy rig up and I sit with my back against the wall on my bed one leg on the floor and the other curled on the bed and put the baby there so he's inclined again. I prop the bottle there too. I'll have my mom take a picture of me and send it to you.

    I have to admit, I am still terrified to be alone with all three for longer than an hour or two. It is getting easier but I hate hate hate the thought of all three melting down on me at once. It's really horrible. I thank god every day that my mom is retired and could do this for us. She basically gave up her life for the last 6 months to help us. 

    Makes you wonder how Octo-freak ever thought she was going to handle 8+ the other 6. 3 is waaaay hard for one person if you ask me!

  • I just wanted to also say you triplet moms are so awesome!  I can't count the number of times that I thought "well, at least there's not 3" when I care for the girls. 
    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

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  • here's to the triplet moms!! You guys are amazing!  I'm not sure the best way to do three, but with two, I did not enjoy feeding on boppys, this is how we do it:

    If I lay them right I can hold the bottles in one hand and surf the web with my other hand, so your could probably line all three up and have two bottles in one hand and one in the other.  Might not be the best, but my be one way to try.

     Also, I like the dr. brown bottles b/c they are longer and skinny so I can hold both in one hand.  



  • I have been feeding all three alone since about 7 weeks.  At first, I used two boppies (because that was all I had).  I would put one baby in each boppy and then one baby in the crack between the two boppies.  I would prop the bottles for two of the babies and hold the bottle for my fussy eater.  That way, I had one hand free to fix the propped bottles if they started to slip.  Now, I have three boppies and everybody gets there own boppy.  I still prop two and hold one.  I use folded burp clothes for propping.


    There is a picture in this blog post of how I prop them:


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