Im 38 wks today. Just got home from my non stress test. I went to the bathroom and there is streaks of discharge with a brown tint. Is this bloody show? Its almost like what the end of my periods look like.
If it is does it mean labor will be starting soon?
With #1 I was induced so I have no idea what to look for.
Re: ??? What is this? Bloody Show??? TMI
Did you have an internal exam? I remember having blood tinged crud after an internal.
I was induced with C and had a scheduled c section with IG so I don't know either...
No internal. I was just monitored for contractions and the babies movement due to EXCESS fluid. I go twice a week.
I ended up with a Csection with #1 and I have a scheduled csection on the 14th with #2.
Im hoping if this is Bloody show labor holds off. DH is on his way to a polygraph for a new job with the NSA. Hes not going to be able to be contacted for like 4 hours.