We just started seriously pting Sam. I need to go out for a few errands this am. Do I have him wear his training pants or do I put a diaper or pullup on him while we're out? I don't want to send him a mixed message, but I also think an accident is still pretty possible. What do you do in this situation?
DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
Re: Going out while PTing
Have him go right before you leave, and put him in a pull-up. He probably won't even have to go while you're out if it's just for an hour or so. Then probably have him go right when you get home.
That's what we did anyway, and it was fine.
How long did you use a pullup for? Just until she was accident free consistently or longer?
I would keep his underwear on him and then put a diaper or pull up over it, just in case of an accident. That way, he'll feel himself wet if he has an accident and also still be able to wear his underwear, which he is accustomed to doing. Also, take him to the restroom right when you get to the store and every 30 minutes or so thereafter. Good luck!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
When we were at that point we used Pull Ups or just undies and brought extras. We were doing this with DD in the summer so undies were easy enough if I let her wear a dress.....but otherwise I would do pullups and call them big boy or big girl pants. IMO diapers send a mixed message.
We did the pull up in public for about two weeks, and that was after a good week without any accidents at home before we even went out.
We never had a problem with her going in the pull ups because she never had to go while we were out. We used pull ups for nap time, too, and after being pt'ed, she never peed in the pull up at naptime either so long as we had her go right before.
I disagree with the mixed signals...i mean you still do pullups/diaper at bedtime, right? Its not like you automatically expect night time potty trained, right? You probalby still do it at nap time as well. well, going out in public is just one of those "exceptions" that my kids wore pull ups. It never confused them.
And I also did the pull up OVER the panties thing....I forgot who said that, but yeah, that helps. And always (still do) require a potty trip before we leave the house.
I'm in the camp that once you go to underwear, you don't go back. It is sending a different message than putting on a pull up for sleep--I always said to her that we wear special underwear for sleep. She stopped needing the pull up for nap after a week.
Just take plenty of underwear and change of clothes and keep asking them if they need to go. If they have an accident, it will just teach them that they tell you in public that they need to go too.
Fwiw, we started PT'ing over a holiday weekend while DH was home and we really didn't leave the house much for the first couple of days until we felt more secure that she would tell us if we need to go. I think it you are PT'ing and you focus on it 100% for a couple of days, you will have a much easier time and the process will be a lot faster.
From my own personal experience in the past 2 weeks, keep him in underwear. I tried putting DD in a diaper or a pull up when we went out and it totally threw her off. The rest of the day was full of accidents even though she had been awesome about it up until the diaper went on.
Here is what I do/did: I bring the potty in the car with us. I put a dish towel folded up under her bum in her car seat. When we got to where we were going, I sat her on the potty in the car before we went in. If she went, great, if not, I didn't make a big deal. She was pretty good about telling me when she had to go. So when she told me, I'd just take her out to the car and let her go and then we'd go back to what we were doing. I realize that this can be a pain if you're at a mall or something but its totally worth it. That way they don't get confused. Again, this is just my experience with it all.
When we went to Disney on Ice, I was worried about L. I put him in a pull up and put his underwear over that. I told him that if he absolutely needed to go, it was okay, but to let me know. He did wonderfully and his pull up was bone dry.
Once ds went to underwear that was it- we didn't go back to diapers. I bought several pair of very good, high-quality training pants (the Imse Vimse trainers are awesome!) to use for going out and for bed/naps.
I leave it up to her. I have her go before we leave the house, and ask if she wants a diaper or underwear. As long as we'll be somewhere with a bathroom, no big deal. If we're going to be in the car forever or somewhere without easy bathroom access, we'll do the diaper.
And we always bring extra pants, socks, a diaper, and undies in the car.