I BF, am 7wks pp, and just got AF for the first time. This seems so early to me. With DD#1 I EPed for 3 months and didn't get my first pp AF until after I stopped pumping.
Anyone else get AF so soon?
Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
Hi there. My DD #2 is 3 months old (and BF) and I thought for sure I had gotten AF 6 weeks after I had given birth. (With DD #1 I got AF about 12 weeks after). I had stopped bleeding for about a week and a half, was crampy and my back hurt for a few days leading up to it. It just felt like AF. I asked my doctor and he said it wasn't likely. I bled for 5-7 days and then it stopped. THe same thing happend around 8 weeks and again I thought for sure I had gotten AF. Must have just been PP bleeding because I haven't bled since - thank goodness! Good luck.
Re: BFers: first pp AF ?
I got mine at 10 wks pp. I was EBF'g too.
It sucks!
I'm pretty sure it's AF. I stopped bleeding around 5wks pp, then started feeling crampy a couple days ago and now AF.
I got mine exactly 8 weeks, precisely 4 weeks after the end of pp bleeding.
I felt SOOO gibbed.
Re what REOM said, it was definitely a period for me, had the same pattern, light to heavy to light to brown...
Also I had it every 4 weeks throughout BFing until I went back on the pill after weaning (when of course it was still every 4 weeks just lighter).
Totally gibbed. I used to have loooong cycles and I was looking forward to an even longer break BFing for a year.