We're thinking about #3. I want to wait until DD is at least 2 to TTC. That would make her at least 3 and DS 4 when a new baby arrives (assuming we could get pg, etc.). ?The problem is, I can't help but wonder what it's like to have spacing like that. ?Any pros or cons that you can think of? ?DD and DS are 13.5 months apart, so I NEED to have more space between the kiddos:)
Re: Anyone have kids 3 or 4 years apart?
Not yet, but our plan is at least 3 years apart, maybe 4. I know it works really well for other people to have them closer together but it is SO not for me or DH. I want DS out of diapers, in pre-school, able to be helpful, etc.I also love being able to spend a lot of one on one time with DS and I know that I will be able to do the same with DC#2 since DS will be in school. I guess the con would be that I will be older (34 or 35) and that we will be dealing with diapers, night wakings, etc. for a longer period of time.
DH and I both have one sibling, 3 years older for each of us, so that is what we are used to, as well.
My two will be at least 3 years apart. I like that Jake will be a lot more self sufficient and hopefully out of diapers.
My brother and I are 4 yrs apart, my mom said it was GREAT. Growing up I don't remember fighting with my brother at all. We had completely different interest so we never fought over the same toys/games. And we were in different schools so we had our own school life too.
ETA: we got along great though, even though we had different interest or maybe BECAUSE we had different interest?
Our next child will be more than 3 years younger than Nora. We are currently TTC.
ETA: I would not have wanted to TTC any earlier! I wanted our kids to have a sizeable age gap for lots of reasons. Let's hope it works out according to 'plan'!
yes, I love my age gap. Ethan was somewhat self sufficient and somewhat helpful. My friend has 3 kids and all three are 3-3.5 years apart and she loves it too.
I honestly can't even think of any cons.
My son is 6.5, dd1 is 2.5 and dd2 just turned 1! In the past month we've seen the older two interact a lot more. Both seeking one another out. It's cute. They also are learning how to fight with one another and annoy none another, not so cute! The oldest is very nurturing of both his sistersand helps a lot. Reads to the girls. Carries the baby around the house, etc!
Hopefully, this is helpfully!
Well IF I am pg it will be nearly exactly 4 years younger than DS. Same as DH with his brother actually.
I think its ok. I liked the idea of them being closer but just could not cope with another kid that young. DH and BIL fought a lot as kids but I think they benefited from their own space (not being at the same school for most of those years etc). They are very close now. Some of their issues were probably also due to MIL getting PPD after BIL was born too and she didn't really get treatment so it dragged on a long time.
I kind of like the idea of not having 2 in daycare but having 1 in daycare and 1 at school. It lets the older one have a different environment.
Anyway, since that's the closest even possible we could have I am at peace iwth that. I would worry if they were 6 or 7 years apart though.