
Pumping Moms - question for ya!

Natalie doesn't eat as well as Blaire did just yet.  Or at least as much, maybe I should say.  So, I've started pumping to relieve my engorgement and b/c last month my old boss asked me to return my SLP job part-time starting in August, so I want a good stash for then.

Rightnow, I'm pumping about once a day and getting about 2 oz.  Can I put it in the frigdge and then tomorrow add to that and then freeze it?  Or can I not combine two pumping sessions?

Re: Pumping Moms - question for ya!

  • Yes, you can add to the stash that's in the fridge, but refrigerate the new stash first before adding them together. (Basically, you want to add cold milk to cold milk). Just make sure that the oldest batch is has not been in the fridge for more than 5 days. By 5 days you should freeze the milk.
  • As long as they are both chilled, you can combine. Just don't add the warm milk to the cold.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • Ditto pp's.  Also make sure you write the oldest date of the pumped milk on the bag for storage
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • I mix mine together once it's all cold.
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