
wwyd? Re Birthday Party

My ds's 3rd birthday is on the 9th and dd's 1st birthday is on the 25th (both in April). My sister-in-law and her family will be in town on Spring Break the 5th-12th.

I would like to have a joint-birthday party while they are here, since she has 3 children of her own, 2 of which are ds's age. However, they are having a surprise 40th birthday part for her husband the weekend of the 12th. So, that just leaves the 5th, which is this weekend. I have done no planning for this. Thankfully, I think we are just sticking with family. We have just had a lot going on with the kids lately, that I haven't had much time to do plan. The 5th seems awfully early and I don't even know if my family would be able to attend (they all are from around here, I just don't know about their schedules).

My mil is really putting the pressure on me to do it this weekend and I know she will get her feelings hurt if we don't ( pretty pathetic, huh). Maybe she could help plan it and come clean my house. . .I don't know what to do. 

Re: wwyd? Re Birthday Party

  • can you just do a party with dh's parents and sil's family.  just cake and ice cream... no big thing.  ???   I know my mil likes to buy a cake everytime we go home to celebrate all of the birthdays and holidays we've missed together. 


    then you can plan their big party with both sets of GPs, both sides and friends invited for later. 



  • That's a good idea! I may just do that.
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  • imageHalo79RN:

    can you just do a party with dh's parents and sil's family.  just cake and ice cream... no big thing.  ???   I know my mil likes to buy a cake everytime we go home to celebrate all of the birthdays and holidays we've missed together. 


    then you can plan their big party with both sets of GPs, both sides and friends invited for later. 



    I would do this as well......

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