
Teething- how often do you use Tylenol/Motrin?

DS clearly has molars coming in- he seems very uncomfortable.  I really try to limit the usage of Tylenol/Motrin- but it does seem to help before bedtime and naps.

The past few days have been the worst.  We didn't give him any before his nap yesterday- he was up screaming after an hour (he normally naps at least double that).  We again skipped it at bedtime- he woke up an hour later (which he NEVER does).

How often are you giving it to them?

Re: Teething- how often do you use Tylenol/Motrin?

  • DS has 4 teeth coming in right now, they are almost through.  If he is having a bad day I will give him Tylonel or Motrin.  If his teeth aren't bothering him I will hold off, but I don't see a reason to make him be uncomfortable.  I will try to save the Motrin for bedtime though, just because it lasts longer....

  • I always gave Motrin before bed when DD was teething.
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