
Help! What should I do regarding furniture????

Yesterday, we went shopping (to see what was out there) in terms of "big boy" furniture for ds. We wanted to buy him furniture that will grow with him to his teenage years. We were going to give his furniture (crib, dresser changing table combo & armoire) to the new baby. His crib is a convertible crib but we figured let the new baby have his old furniture. Well, a family member suggested instead of buying ds new furniture let him keep what he has (turn his bed into a daybed then a full) and buy the baby all new furniture. I'm so confused as what to do. Granted, I would be able to buy the new espresso or dark cherry furniture (that I love) for the LO but I'm not sure as what to do. Can anyone help me out? What would you do? What have you done? Should I buy new baby furniture or give the baby ds's furniture & buy him new furn.? Thanks

Re: Help! What should I do regarding furniture????

  • When it comes to furniture, I buy it so it will last. I bought furniture for the nursery rather than individual children. DD's big girl set will be a full so that I will never have to buy her anything else.

    So, I would keep the crib and just get #1 a new set.

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