
emma58 re: sippies

hey, just saw your blog post about the sippies. it's funny because those are the ones the boys use at daycare and i think the outer part is gone on all of them. did you get those free? i'm pretty sure we did. anyway. since i can't post blog comments from work i just wanted to tell you that we had pretty much the same experience with those cups. :P
How to tell my boys apart

The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!

Re: emma58 re: sippies

  • the best sippy cups in the entire world are the ones that gerber makes. it has a hard top, and sort of looks like and hour glass. there is a liittle piece that you have to put under the spout to prevent it from leaking. so all together 3 parts, the cup the top, and the little white piece to prevent leaks. these cups can with stand being thrown from high chairs multiples times on to the hard floor, along as being spiked onto the floor like a football from the high chair. also they cups can be left on their sides for hours and not leak. i love these cups and i feel like i no longer have to mop my floor 3 hundred times a day due to milk, juice or water being spilled onto the floor.
  • oh yeah! i absolutely agree! those are the ones we use at home. (along with some other gerber ones that use the same types of lids and valves.) i definitely recommend those too!

    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
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  • Haha, yes, those were fre from evenflo.. I tried them in the beginning, they hated them, so I put them away, but I figured I try them again. it was great, for about 10 minutes.  Why the heck do they make them so flimsy I wonder? Isn't it common for toddlers to throw them on the floor, or is it just my kids?

    btw- thanks for posting about the blog!

  • I will look for those othe ones- thanks!
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