
Anyone hear of...

being induced with DC#2 due to a fast delivery with #1? Last week, while at the Dr., I was told that if I continue to progress a bit further natually, at this week's appt., we may have a conversation about induction as my labor w/ DS was 3hrs. from start to finish, and it's estimated that labor with subsequent children is generally cut in half. Ever hear of a situation where this happened? or Thoughts?

Re: Anyone hear of...

  • They are probably just trying to make sure you don't give birth in the car on the way there.

    Not exactly medically necessary if you ask me.  I'd just skip the induction, it seems completely silly if you already know your body can and will do it without the help.

  • My dr did tell me after I had dd that if I had a second child she would consider that.  I went from 1 cm to 10 cm in 40 minutes, and pushed 3 times and had a baby.  If the secon one really comes faster, I would never make it to the hospital in time. 
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  • SullaSulla member
    Yup. They talked to me about it. But it didn't end up happening.
  • Unless you live a significant distance from the hospital then I dont see this as a realistic issue. Even if your total labor was only 1.5 hours, I assume you could get to a hospital in that amount of time, right? Personally, I'd skip an induction unless there was a medical reason.
  • Yes, I quickly discussed with my doc since we were an hour plus from the hospital and I labored 4 hrs with DS.  I ended up switching docs so I could deliver at a closer hospital.  However, I was induced do to medical reasons this time and DD was also born in 4 hrs.  I went from 4cm-10cm in 20 minutes with both.  I'm scared of what would have happened if I labored naturally.
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  • I agree with kori and emilie - unless there is a reason for it, I wouldn't do that.  Your doctor probably just doesn't want to be disturbed at the last minute once you do go into labor knowing he'll need to get to the hospital quick to deliver you.  If you're induced, then HE has all HIS ducks in a row and can plan HIS life around your delivery.
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