I think it's time. DS1 is really attached to his and wants his "MiMi" all the time. We've tried limiting it to just bed, but he freaks out and asks for it all day. I think we're just going to have to get rid of it altogether because I'm tired of fighting the "only in your bed" battle and dealing with meltdowns over it. I'd rather go through a few rough days and be done with it. Plus, he's nearly 27 months -- it's time. We would have done it sooner, but didn't want to take it away and then bring home a new baby who was using one.
So, how did you do it? Cold turkey? "Paci Fairy" or the like? How long did it take for DC to be okay without it?
Re: Tell me about getting rid of the pacifier
We are getting rid of DD's on Easter. I am going to have her put her "dittys" in her Easter basket and then then Easter Bunny is going to take them and give them to babies and leave her books and candy.
I am going to throw them away and not even keep one.
we did it cold turkey a month ago. my dd did well. I think it was harder for me-lol. she just used it for naps and bedtime. She is a little over 2.hth!
Cold turkey, but fortunately I was not around to suffer through it. DH cut up one of her binkies and told her the dog ate it and he had no more. I was on a business trip. He felt I would cave and give her one if I had been home. SHe's also much more attached to me, and would have begged for it. With him, she took it for what it was and it was very easy. She told anyone who would lidten that the dog ate her binky.
When I got home 2 days later, we had one rough night. SHe did try to get it back.
my girls loved their "lala". We did get them down to naps and bedtime after a year, and then after they turned 2 we went cold turkey.
Could you "coordinate" the timing of no more mimi with Easter? Hide it in an egg and never find it? Easter bunny must have given it to another kid?? I dont' know??
We just had our DD's throw it in the trash and then it was to "ucky" to get out of the trash, so we were done. They would ask, we would say "oh its in the trash...ewww, gross!" and they got over it in 3 days or so.