Some friends of ours invited us to a beach house about 2 1/2 hrs away from us the last week in July. We would only go for the last weekend of thier vaca but it would be about 13 days before dc#2 is due. I am going to have a repeat C and I just thought it might be a good time to have a nice break, just the 3 of us, before #2 comes along. Would you feel comfortable going? about 2 1/2hrs from home around 38 wks? Thanks!
Re: Would you go away for a 3 day weekend about 2 wks before due date?
Liam is 5!
I might have when I was PG with DS, but if I knew now what I didn't know then - NO WAY. DS came so fast, from the time I felt the 1st bit of abdominal discomfort to the moment he came shooting into the world was almost exactly 3 hours. We almost didn't amke it to the hosp - no time for epi.
My friend told me afterwards that having baby #1 is like putting on a brand new turtle neck, but baby #2 is like putting on a turtle neck you've had for many years . . . nice and loose, it slides right on, lickety split.
My doc said no more than 1 hour from the hospital after about 35 weeks.
I had a scheduled c/s this time, and he still said the same thing. So the beach house would be out for me.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I would go, as long as I was near a hospital. But I felt pretty good at 38 weeks both times. I wasn't horribly uncomfortable. I woud probably go and just make time allowances for getting out and stretching my legs.
Personally I wouldn't do it. DD#2 came 11 days early and she came so fast I couldn't even have a epidural. This was a huge shock considering I was in Labor with DD#1 for 20hrs. Everyone is different but that is pretty close to your due date. GL!
If I were in your shoes, I would have planned to go, but it would have been a mistake!
As a matter of fact, I did make plans to be OOT at 38 weeks. I never got that far. I went into labor at 37 weeks and had a 4 hour labor & delivery. That's my total l&d, not just starting from when I arrived at the hospital (I arrived at 8cm dilated). If I had gone into labor while OOT, I would have had a baby on the side of the road!