
My babies are here :) - Labor Story (LONG!)

Hey ladies. ?Sorry to have been away for the past few days but it has been quite eventful. ?I came to the hospital on Wednesday night because that morning they had found protein in my urine and my BP was high and I was also having all of the other symptoms of Pre-E only at the time, I didn't really think about it. ?Thank goodness my husband made me call the doctors back instead of waiting until Friday to go back to see them. ?Anyway, I got admitted on Wednesday so that they could monitor my BP and urine in the hospital. ?I was also put on IV and Mag for the Pre-E. ?I wasn't even in the hospital 12 hours that two of my OBs came in and told me that I had Pre-E and there was nothing to do at this point but deliver the babies because the risk of keeping them in longer wasn't worth it since they were just a couple of days shy of 37 weeks. ?So they induced me at noon on Thursday with Pit and continued the IV and Mag. ?At around 3pm, they broke Baby A's bag of water. ?I went from 1cm to 3cm pretty quick. ?DH and I just kind of hung out the rest of the afternoon/evening and at around 6:30pm, I was in a ton of pain but still only 3cm dilated so I asked for the epidural. ?I dont even think my pain was that bad, all I know is that I started freaking out about it taking forever to get it once I really really needed it. ?So anyway, I labored until about 12:30AM of Friday when the nurse came in and told me I was about 8cm and she wanted me to start pushing to start getting the baby to drop. ?I pushed until about 3AM at which point they got ready to take me to the OR so that I could deliver the babies. ?I pushed in the OR for about 45 minutes and at 3:48AM ?my Baby A - David Anthony was born. ?He came out and shortly after started screaming his little lungs out. ?He scored a 9 on the Apgar and was taken to the nursery. ?I barely saw him - which freaked me out because I thought something was wrong. ?But I couldn't really think about it because they had the ultrasound out trying to figure out what position Baby B was in because she had been transverse at the last ultrasound. ?She managed to flip with a little help and after a few pushes, my Baby B - Margaret Nicole was born. ?They took her and she scored a 9 on the Apgar and then brought her back to me so I could hold her on my chest. ?I loved it for a minute until I realized that they hadn't done it with David so I started freaking out asking where he was. ?They told me he was fine and in the regular nursery already where they were going to take her. ?David weighed 6lbs 5oz and was 19.5 inches long and Maggie weighed 4lbs 11oz and was 18.5 inches long. ?Oh as a side note, Maggie was estimated to weigh her actual birth weight 4 weeks ago so they can def. be really off when they estimate those weights! ?Anyway, both babies are healthy. ?They were concerned because Maggie's bw came back with a higher risk for jaundice so they kept doing bw on her meanwhile, the nurse noticed tonight that David was yellow so I am sure they are going to tell me that he needs a tan so we shall see. ?As for me, well thats another story. ?My BP is still up, my platelets are down and my entire body is swollen. ?So I think they may put me on BP medicine for the time being to control that. ?I am supposed to be discharged tomorrow but they are going to continue with BW for me in the AM so who knows. ?I will post more when I get updates from the doctors. ?More pics to follow soon.?


Re: My babies are here :) - Labor Story (LONG!)

  • Congrats Momma! We have all been wondering about you. I can't see your picture, but I bet your little ones are adorable!
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  • congrats on your two sweet babies! sounds like they're doing well, hope you get better soon!
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  • Yay...for babies...congrats...Boo for BP issues..I hope all that gets figured out and fast for you! Keep us posted...and we want pics...when you can get to them! :)
  • Hey Ro!  I've been thinking about you.  Congrats on your little ones and I'm so glad you and babies are doing well.
    It sound like you are going through exactly what I am/did with the pre-e at the last minute, high BP, low platelete count, swelling, BP meds, etc.  Fun times.
    I hope you all are released and home soon!
  • Congrats! I am glad everyone is doing well. I hope you get to go home soon and take those precious ones with you. I can't wait to see pictures!!!
  • Congratulations!!!!  Can't wait to see pics!
  • Congratulations! 
  • i'm so happy that you posted and that the babies and their mommy are doing well. ?what a wonderful reward after a long hard road of your pregnancy!!! i hope your BP comes down quickly and that you're all home together soon. ?on a side note, our children have the same middle names...dylan anthony is after my dad (anthony) and cassidy nicole is after my sister (nicole). ?did you like the names or are they after anyone? ?kind of funny, right? ?congrats again!!! enjoy!!!
  • Congrats can't wait to see pictures
  • So glad to hear you are all safe and healthy!  Congratulations on your new family members...hopefully you all come home today.  Thanks for posting your birth story!
  • Congrats on the new babies.  Can't wait to see pictures.
  • CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • congrats!

    jaundice is so common- don't worry about it- they'll do fine in their tanning bed :)  Griffin had to be under those lights for 2 days - i hated it- but he did really well (he was born at 36w).

    hope you all are home together soon!

  • sweetie i am SO HAPPY for you and so glad the babies are doing so well!!!  now you need to get better mama!  you have been through it with this pre-e crap :(  boo.  i hope things calm down and you can be released today, or very shortly.

    thinking of you and those precious babies!! 


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  • Congratulations!!!  I hope they get your bp straightened out.  I'm excited to see pictures - we are also expecting a Margaret who will be Maggie.  Big Smile
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  • Congrats!  So glad that our little ones are doing so well!
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  • Congrats!

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  • Congratulations!!!!!!
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  • Sorry you had to go through all that, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on your sweet babies! Can't wait to see the pics! :)
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  • Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics!
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  • Congratulations!!  I am glad that the babies did so well and cooperated for delivery.  I hope you are feeling better soon! 
  • Congratulations!!!  I can't see pics at work but I'm sure they are adorable.
  • congrats!

     recover well!

  • Congratulations!  I'm glad that the babies are doing so well, I hope you feel better soon!
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