
Bfing @ 1yo...questions

I am so over the bfing. I enjoy the bonding but am ready to have my body be MINE again. Plus, they keep poking each other in the eyes and pulling hair and instead of enjoying that relaxing time I find myself playing referee.

Jared and Jenna will be one on Tuesday and I've tried to cut them down from 4 to 3 feeds a day on most days but I find that I've been giving in when they want/need to nurse. My oldest weaned herself at 9mos which made things easy but these two seem like they'll never give it up.

I guess I'm wondering how to wean and not give in when they are crying and pulling at my shirt- I've tried giving them a snack instead but it doesn't always work. ?

Re: Bfing @ 1yo...questions

  • Hey you....I don't have any advice, but I last nursed Marina on Monday and although I kind of feel sad, I am sooo happy to have myself back.  I would do it again in a heart beat, but it is nice to be done after almost 17 months.  When you are done, let me know and we'll take the guys out with us so we can have our own party......Also if you want to get out and just do something the two of us, or go to the shore with me for the night, let me know.  Bob has a lot of stuff planned to do so he will owe me one....not to mention that I am kind of itching to get out.
  • Congratulations on making it to a year! Mine are down to just morning and night feeds now, so I'm fine with it going on as long as they choose - especially since I am 99% sure these are my last... But I digress. Are they drinking milk or taking sippy cups yet?
    My suggestion would be to offer something else when they try (like you said, a snack or a sippy). Along with the snack or sippy I would give them some cuddle time and kisses - just so they know that they can get that physical attention from you without the nursing. If they seem content with that, I'd just keep it up until they really are intent on nursing, just to try to extend the time between feeds. I think that you could probably get them to start by stretching time between feeds, then dropping feeds, then down to done.
    I'd also say that I'd only nurse while they are focused and calm. As soon as the poking, squirming, trying to yank off your nipple business starts I would put them down and walk away. Mine will fuss for a few minutes when I do this, but then just start playing. I usually walk into the kitchen to do some dishes - I can see them over the gate, but they can't follow and hang on my legs :) If they stay genuinely upset, then I go back and try again. Usually they just seem to forget what was happening and move on.
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