
A's and B's...

My little guys are now almost 35 weeks gestation and still have Brady's and Desats daily. It makes me nervous and although the nurses and doc's say that it is a "preemie thing" and they will outgrow it, I wonder when? Both boys have 1-2 Brady's a day and several desats. 

Also, we introduced the bottle about a week ago and they only seem moderatly interested.  The boys take between 10-20 cc's once a day so far.  I also put them to breast whenever I can.

The doc's say they will be home within 2 weeks, but I just don't see it with the Brady's and the feeding...

Both boys will most likely come home on oxygen too.

Re: A's and B's...

  • As far as the feeding goes, everyone says, Once they get it, they get it! DD went from eating about 20cc's per day to about 90 cc's per day in the span of two weeks. so it's definitely possible! She was still have brady's daily when she came home, which was linked with her reflux episodes. She did not need "hands on" to come out of it though and that's what matters. She did come home on a monitor though. The episodes seemed to stop completely right around her due date!

    Good luck!

  • RubyRed7,

    Thank you for the reply! I just have to tell you that your little girl is absolutly beautiful!

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  • It does happen pretty suddenly. One day it seems like they'll never outgrow the As&Bs and it seems like they will NEVER figure out how to suck down a bottle. Then you blink (okay, so maybe it takes a week or 2) and the NICU calls you at home and tells you to bring in the car seats because your kiddos are ready.

    Your sweet angles are definitely in the home stretch now. Hang in there, they'll be home soon :)

    Oh, and FWIW, my smaller guy came home when he was still having desats. He had been self-recovering for several weeks, he had stopped having bradies about a week prior, and he had been off the O2 for about a week. They decided that he was strong enough to come home without a monitor, and he's been doing great since then.

  • C had A's and B's it seemed like forever.  She even bradied the day before she came home but they decided to let her come home on a monitor.  I know it's frustrating.
  • our little guy outgrew brady's and dsat's at around 36 weeks-ish.  He's now almost 39 weeks and still hasn't picked up on feeds. He was doing about 57% but is in a lul at about 20%.  The feeding can take forever, depending on how early your baby was born!
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