
Need help - How do I find a tutor?

I'm not sure who might be able to help me since I'm dealing with a teenager but....

Kevin does well in all of his other classes (A's & B's) but Pre-calculus is kicking his butt!  We want to get him a tutor but I'm not sure where to find one.  I contacted this one place but it is $60 an hour and that seemed a little much to me so I'm checking around some more.  I contacted his school to see if there is peer tutoring or if they knew where I could find a tutor but I haven't heard back yet.  I contacted a teacher friend of mine and she is putting the word out with her teacher friends.  I tried Craigslist but they all seem to tutor in or around Boston and I'm about 45 minutes south of that.

He does stay after school for help but I think some tutoring would really help as well.

Any other place I'm not thinking of that I might be able to find one?

Re: Need help - How do I find a tutor?

  • I would put in calls to the other high schools in your area.  I remember when I was in high school, the National Honor Society offered free tutoring services to other students.  I tutored a kid from another high school for a couple months, and even though I was supposed to be doing it for free, his mother insisted on paying me....and it was NOT $60 an hour (probably more like $10)!
  • I tutored in all advanced math classes (was a member of NHS and IB) and I had offered to do it for free (but, like the above pp, I was given a stipend from the parents).

    One option you might try is to ask your son who the A students are in his own class. Do you know their parents? Or, can he ask them directly if they could tutor him? Many times a fellow student can be a great resource because they know exactly what the teacher is looking for in terms of results and performance.

    If you do happen to hire a professional, be advised that fees can be steep. Talk to the tutor about paying on a sliding scale. (Also, get some sort of agreement up front that your son has to show improvement).



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  • Thanks girls!

    I'm definitley willing to pay someone but $60 an hour is a little more then I can afford right now.

    Thanks for the tips!

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