or am i just being naive?
So we got our first packet of information yesterday in the mail. I had been emailing this woman for a couple of days and really liked her over email and was getting ready to set up an appointment.
So last night DH and i were looking over the paperwork and the cost breakdown was in there. I was shocked that they base adoption fees on your income? I feel really stupid for thinking it was the same across the board. The worse part is, that they would base it on our 08 tax returns. Well, in December i quit my f/t job and so of course by the looks of it, we made much more $ at that point then we do now... :-( oh please tell me it gets better.
I guess i don't understand why couple A has to pay more for services, etc than couple B, just because they make more $. Isn't the goal to place needy children?
Re: is this for real?
Yes, this was the reality for us. We were in the highest bracket and paid more for our homestudy and placement, significnatly more too. In my mind, we are getting the exact same service as those who paid less. It's upsetting, but I think you just have to look at it like it just is what it is...when you bring your LO home, it just doesn't matter as much...
thanks girls.
In your experience, aside from the obvious, are there any advantages/disadvantages to going with an agency with a sliding scale vs. flat rate?
some of the agencies we've looked at here in MI have had a sliding scale too and some had the same rate for everyone.
We actually eliminated agencies when we were researching that did that. I don't feel people should be turned away from adoption because of costs, but on the same hand because we are better off financially I don't feel that it is our responsibility to shelter a higher cost.
I just personally was not fond of the sliding scale thing. With our agency they state what the min. amount is for the category you are adopting in. They call this the 'match budget'. You have to at least be able to put forth the match budget of that min. amount but you can put a higher match budget. Your profile is then only submitted to BMs that you match on all criteria including match budget - meaning that since our agency works with all states medical, legal, etc expenses can be higher for some and lower for others.
I liked this much better, personally.