That got me all snarky but I seem to have way less patience for the random questions on the board. As if we are going to have any information that Google doesn't...?
Sorry- I must be getting AF b/c I'm whiny and cranky and I don't have multiples in my family and I didn't eat anything special to split my egg and I don't know what sexual positions help.
Re: I think it was the lady who made fun of Americans yesterday..
"I think it was the lady who made fun of Americans yesterday.."
Where was that? I missed it.
For your reading pleasure:
And as a Canadian, her post really annoyed me.
It is in a post titled increasing the chance of Multiples. Here is the link:
found it!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
omg!! That post is a riot. In America, we'd call her a douche nozzle.
Listen to you Ameicans with all of yer fancy hospitals and doctors, eh? Up here in Canada, we give birth in our igloos so that we don't have to get the dog-sleds to take us into town.
Seriously, WTF? Douche-nozzle it is! I don't know what part of Canada she's from but where I live, we have OB's and Peri's and Bedrest and NICU's. lol.