Has anyone had their LO's have their first teeth be anything other than the front bottom or the front top teeth? I swear that Evan's left canine tooth is coming first but my mom disagrees.
I was just told by a coworker that any of the top, front four teeth can come in first. The canine is just beyond that. Hmmm... weird. Hey, they're preemies, they can do stuff however they want, I guess! We've had very little normalcy thus far, why start now!
One of my boys got a top canine tooth before the front top teeth came in, but he did have 2 bottom teeth before then.
If I remember correctly from all the reading I did when the boys were little, it's not unheard of for preemies to never get some teeth. Usually the adult teeth aren't missing, but not always. It has something to do with the velitlator tubing damaging the little tooth buds. Having a missing tooth or 2 isn't the worst thing in the world, but jeez, what a crazy thing for us to worry about
Re: Another Q about teeth?
IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
Weishaars' World
One of my boys got a top canine tooth before the front top teeth came in, but he did have 2 bottom teeth before then.
If I remember correctly from all the reading I did when the boys were little, it's not unheard of for preemies to never get some teeth. Usually the adult teeth aren't missing, but not always. It has something to do with the velitlator tubing damaging the little tooth buds. Having a missing tooth or 2 isn't the worst thing in the world, but jeez, what a crazy thing for us to worry about