
AI: Does Megan annoy the bejeezus out of anyone else?

Her whole nose-wrinkling, shoulder-shimmying, "I'm so spunky and cute" routine just irritates me to no end...maybe I'm just being cranky, but I seriously just want to throw things at the TV every time I see her!

Re: AI: Does Megan annoy the bejeezus out of anyone else?

  • YES!  At first, I wanted so badly for her to do well.  I think because she has a unique voice, and I liked that.  But she hasn't done well; she has just sucked it up.

    And Rory can dance better than her.  I'm serious.

  • I agree.  To me her voice sounds like nails on a chalk board.  This is something about the accent her singing voice has that hurts my ears.  I know that is harsh and I am not saying it to be mean.  I give her major props for all she has done, but she is not my american idol choice.
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  • LOL!   I know what you mean, but I kind of like her voice. It's different, kwim?  I could definitely live without the 'cutesy' stuff though.

    btw- baby cubby is almost here!  I can't wait to find out what he/she is!

  • Everything about her annoys me. 
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Yes, I love her voice but her dances are very akward!!

    I love my crazy child!

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  • Not as much as Michael Sarber.  My ears bleed when he's on.  I'll take Megan anyday over MS. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • imagestacynikki:
    Not as much as Michael Sarber.  My ears bleed when he's on.  I'll take Megan anyday over MS. 
  • imagestacynikki:
    Not as much as Michael Sarber.  My ears bleed when he's on.  I'll take Megan anyday over MS. 

    Yep, I agree.  He needs to go home. 

  • yes! At first I liked her but she's trying way too hard. And after her little comment last night about "it's ok my fans will put me through" I was totally turned off. Pretty only gets you so far honey. That performance was horrid.
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