
What can I put under DD in her carseat

in case she pees while we're in the car?  I know they sell those piddle pad things but I'd like to take her out today and obviously don't have one of those.  Will a dish towel (folded in 4ths) be absorbent enough to keep the carseat dry or so I need something thicker?  Is this safe to do?

Re: What can I put under DD in her carseat

  • I don't know how to work that one because of how the buckle between her legs work.  Its so close to her crotch that essentially anything you do would be ineffective.
  • We have cloth diapers for DS - we folded one up & stuck it under her butt.  Dish towel should be fine.
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  • Do you have any water proof pads from when she was a newborn, That is what I used......
  • If I know its going to be a long trip, I go with pull ups, she's never gone in them but its a good safety to have just incase we don't make it in time.
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