
C-section issues and question

I had a c-section on March 12th. It had started getting real red and hard ?about a week later. On Sunday the 15th I went back to my Dr. and he opened it up. I had a lot of fluid build-up and it almost instantly felt better. He told me to come back and 2 days. I figured he would take out the packing and sew it back up. Not the case. He wants me to get this thing called a wound vac. I would have to get it changed out 3 times a week. I became very emotional because I just feel like nothing can be easy so I decided I could just clean it and pack it myself 2x a day. BAD IDEA. I can do it but it take forever. Along with pumping all the time, I'm not sure I would ever have time to do anything. So I called back and I'm getting the wound vac put in today. I'm so nervous. Has anyone else had to deal with this?

Re: C-section issues and question

  • What do you mean red/hard? I only ask because my cut is very red and hard and it feels like a "rope" sticking up off my I'm interested in this.
  • Oh I am so sorry.  Unfortunately I have never had to deal with this, but I can relate to how you are feeling "that nothing can ever be easy".  I too had complications from the delivery, and then the colic and reflux started in...but trust me when I say, it will get easier.  And soon you will find yourself missing these early days with your babies, at least I do!  Good luck today, I am sure it will be fine!
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  • I have not delt with this for myself, but when you have a wound vac, it is a drain that will hang from your belly collecting all of the fluid.  you will also have to empty it from time to time. Very easy to take care of. I am sure that you will only have it for a couple of days. If you can pack your own dressing, then you will be able to handle a wound vac.
  • I had a seroma too (is that what you have?), where a pocket of fluid developed underneath the skin, but mine burst and kept leaking everywhere and I didn't notice it for several hours, I just thought I was sweating profusely (it was mid-July).  It was disgusting.  I was also told to clean mine 2x a day and repack it with gauze b/c it had to heal from the inside out.  I was lucky and b/c I couldn't see that far down without smoke and mirrors, DH did it all (he has since said it was the most disgusting thing he's ever done for me and that is true love, LOL).  TMI warning: We had to wet the gauze so it was only barely moist, then roll it into a funnel and pack it inside the wound and put a maxi pad over it to help draw out the puss and fluid.   I didn't have a wound vac, but we did continue to flush it with saline and peroxide (I think that's the mix she gave me?) and repack it 2x a day and it took forever to heal, like 2 months.  Good luck, those are no fun!
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