This is kind of a s/o of the loving the second child as much post below.
I was wondering about this the other day. I think DS is the cutest thing ever (as I'm sure most moms think of their own kid), and I'm curious if my next child be as cute. What if she gets screwed on the genes she's dealt and she's not really that cute? I don't know if b/c I'm her mother I'll think she's beautiful regardless whether she actually is or not, or if I will see my kids as one being cuter than the other.
Do you see your kids as equal in cuteness or do you see them as one being cuter but loving them equal, or something else entirely?
Re: Moms of two, do you think your kids are equal in cuteness?
Miles was a cuter baby hands down.
Now that they are 2yr old and 3 yrs old.. I don't think one is cuter than the other. Miles's features are beautiful (to me) but sometimes Emilia gives me a look that just takes my breath away (she looks like my grandmother)
Mine are just different. One is more on the pretty side and the other on the cute side. Does that make sense?
I think they're both cute, but different.
#1 looks more like me with DH's face shape, so he's super cute to me like that. But #2 looks like DH completely, so obviously he's super cute to me too.
Completely different but both cute.
Me with my littlest.
both cute, but different.
E has very pretty green eyes and dark eye brows and lashes. I think he's really cute
J has unbelievable blue eyes. His lashes and eyebrows are blond, but most people comment on his blue eyes. I really hope they don't change color.
DH's grandma made a comment once how J is not as cute as E.
Well, that's her opinion