Wow. I am loving life with our new family of four but seriously....having two kids is no joke! I knew it would be hard and our DD was only born 5 days ago but holy cow. Evan is doing great in his role as big brother but it's only a matter of time before he completely squashes her head or kicks her in the head as he catapults himself next to me while I am nursing her on the couch. I am amazed when I think back to how "easy" life was as a mom of just a newborn. All the on-line shopping I could handle as I nursed him on the couch and surfed on my lap-top. I'm in serious e-mail withdrawl right now and was so happy that I could hop on tonight!
No real point to my post but all of you soon-to-be-moms of two - it's going to be awesome! Everything everyone ever said about loving #2 just as much as #1 and having them fit right into your family is right on. It's just awesome. Life is good!
Re: Being a mom of two is NO joke!
Congratulations! NO joke is about correct
What is her name?!
I know! Now that I have two, I wonder why I ever felt so busy with just one. You get used to it though, just like anything else. Congrats!
For sure, but TOTALLY worth it.
And, yes, how did I ever think I was busy with just 1?
Me with my littlest.