There I said it. I went to ship something and after the guy told me the rates and everything I decided to go another route. I asked him to take my stuff out of the box so that I could leave. He looked at me confused and I told him I wasn't going to ship through them. So he told me he would just charge me for the box and I told him I only had my card on me and didn't want to charge just a box. Then I asked him how much it was and maybe I had some cash in my car. He got huffy and started mumbling about a having a box he couldn't use now and to forget about it. Luckily, there was another customer in there so I didn't go psycho beyotch on him. I simply took said thank you and walked out.n
Honestly, I would have run out to my car and checked for cash if he had just told me the price. And he didn't have to tape the box shut to weigh it.....aaaaaaaannd it wasn't like he couldn't slit the tape with the scissors and put it aside for the next person. It would have to be taped again anyway.
I want to know how some people are able to function in the everyday world.
Re: Vent: Dumb people bug me
Oh, well, heeeeey.
Any news on that bank job?