
Hey Pin...

Black damask weekend does it look, and can you do a matchy-something for dd?  Hard as I try I can't stray far from my love of balck and white.

Re: Hey Pin...

  • It is very pretty.

    You should see my closet.. it looks like I work at a funeral home with all the black.

    I think your DD needs an Izzy in that print. She can wear a cute pair of leggings with it.

  • I love Izzy...what other fanbric would you do with the damask?  I'm sure alot of people don't dress their litle girls in black, but I love it. And I can not tell you how many people stop us when she's wearing that skull tunic to find out where it came from.
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  • You got convo!


    DD has a tank style dress in that skull fabric she loves wearing! I hope it still fits her all summer!!!!!

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