
XP: How long to pump?

Seems like no on is home on the BFing board right now so I thought i would post here to since you are all usually so hepful.  Thanks

You would think I would remember this from last time?  Just pumping for the first time today.  M nursed for about 35 minutes at 9:30.  I was thinking about 20 minutes or so now so I can nurse her again at 11:30 or whenever she's ready.  Just wantin to start a small stash so DH can get her used to taking a bottle.  Not going back to work until late June/early July.



Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: XP: How long to pump?

  • You can pump right after a feeding, or halfway between, doesn't really matter.  What matters most is doing it for 15+min at a time, each side, and doing it at the same times whenever possible so your body can adjust your supply.  You probably won't get much for a few days though.

    Don't forget to snack a lot & drink a crapton of water! 

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