
I think it's back to diapers/pull-ups for DD...

I am so frustrated. About 2.5wks ago DD woke up and refused to put her diaper on. She said she had to go on the potty and she got on, pooped and peed, and then asked to wear her big girl panties. I was elated because I had been wanting to get serious about PTing with her since she's been going on the potty sporadically for the past few months.

She was having about half accidents, half successes (some days were better, some were worse). She refuses when I ask her or tell her she needs to sit on the potty - it has to be her idea or she will not go, so the putting her on there every hour, timer thing, etc. wasn't working. 

So I think we're going to go to pull-ups for a while. When she wears pull-ups when we go out she will still sometimes say if she had to pee, so hopefully this won't be a huge step back, but for both our sakes I think we need to take a break. I swear she has peed on nearly every square inch of my living room carpet! :(

I'd love any advice, suggestions, or comments from anyone who had to go backwards...

Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12

Re: I think it's back to diapers/pull-ups for DD...

  • I think we're about to head back to diapers too.  DD is holding her urine for hours and just won't go.  She does the pee pee dance and I know she has to go but she won't.
  • I don't think it's a bad idea to lay off for awhile.  We tried with Rory when she was about R's age, and after lots of accidents, she started refusing to sit on the toilet or even go near the bathroom.  We went back to diapers.

    Three months later, we tried again, and she was accident free in less than a week, and has been ever since.

    She'll get it soon enough!

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  • Thanks, ladies. It is actually a huge relief to be going to the pull-ups for a while. All of the accidents were starting to really aggravate me and I don't want to take it out on DD and make things worse. Plus, I'm hoping it will be easier in a couple months when DD#2 is a little less in need of my constant attention!
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • I agree w/joseys - and I think it's probably a control thing.  (at least it is for mine)  They like to know that they won't get in trouble for going in the diaper, and also like to know that it's ok to use the potty when THEY want to instead of when WE want them to.  If that makes sense. 

    I don't think it's a step back really - just the next step.  Next time you try it, it'll probably be quick (this is basically what happened with Sam)

  • Exactly.  She just turned two.  No need to push if it means both you and her are going to be frustrated!
  • Kori - you hit the nail on the head; she is a huge a control freak just like her mother, unfortunately :P If she even senses that we are going to "make" her do something, she freaks.
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
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