ok, I always thought this was a dumb question b/c for dd1, showering was never an issue. I could bring her in the bathroom to play or put her in her crib for a few minutes while I jumped in quick. but with dd2, those options don't work. She's a terror in the bathroom and SCREAMS in her crib. I can put both girls in dd2's room (child proof) very briefly but it makes me nervous. dd1 is 4 and will (generally) come tell me if dd2 is doing something she shouldn't but clearly a 4 yo should not be in charge, even for a few minutes :-)
so what do you do? oh, I also used to be able to shower during her nap but now she's napping later in the day and I generally need/want to shower before that nap happens. any suggestions?
Re: toddler moms: showering?
I give Preston some crackers and a sippy of juice or milk and turn a program for him, prop him up in my bed and take my shower.
He knows how to open doors, so I can't keep him contained much.
Can you shower in the morning before they get up? Or maybe shower at night when they go to bed.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Haha, this question got me flamed about a year ago
?I got some advice to take a shower together, and that worked, and still does great. ?Otherwise, I just get up early.
Good luck!?
Ugh-- this is my life (only my kids are 11 months and 2.5). ?Today, I am not going anywhere but the gym, so showering during the afternoon nap works great.
I used to do night time, but the shower now wakes DS 2 up at night (but strangely, not during nap).
I sometimes do mornings, but MH acts like a giant martyr about it b/c he's getting ready for work, and the shower wakes the baby, which is fine when HE'S showering, but not when I am.
Generally, I put my baby in the PnP and deal with his unhappiness while my toddler plays happily in his room or watches TV in my room.?