2nd Trimester

Plum/Prune juice help?

have any of you tried plum or prune (dont know the difference but there are two different bottles) juice to help alleviate constipation? I was told to watch out for metamucil as it can have adverse affects
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Re: Plum/Prune juice help?

  • The prune juice never worked for me. My OB said to take a shot of Milk of Magnesia and that DEFINITELY worked! Now I maintain by taking a colace each morning. Good luck, constipation sucks!
  • I have been eating a lot of fruit every day and haven't had that problem yet.

    Lots of water too.

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  • Plumsmart is great, I just couldnt get prune juice down ugh. If you get sick of drinking it straight you can mix it with sprite or sparkling water. My DH calls them preggie cocktails. Just don't drink too much it can give you a stomach ache and the runs ewww. It is the only thing that has worked for me milk of magnesia didnt even help. GL hope this helps
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