I teach a parenting and child development class at our high school. We are starting on a project later this week and I need some topic idea of something they can research and teach the class about (includes making powerpoint and a handout). I have gifted students as well as lower level special ed students, so I try to have a broad range of topics for them to pick from when doing projects. A couple of topics I have thought of are car seat safety, child proofing, feeding safety/ habits/nutrition. Any other idea. Tia! (I do know how to use paragraphs. My BB won't let Me!)
Re: Alright, Moms, I need ideas for my parenting class. Help Me.
How about the importance of reading to your child? They could include studies that support reading, resources such as Jim Trelease's book THE READ ALOUD HANBOOK that explains to parents what books are interesting for read alouds and what age level they are appropriate. They could also include the local schedules for read alouds in the area (bookstores, library, museums, etc.)
How about something about daycare...researching how to find, certification info online (if your state has that), costs.
Maybe something about discipline.
how about newborn care skills like diapering, bathing, swaddling?
discipline for toddlers