
Yay! BOTH of my kids are in bed and asleep

And it's just past 7 pm.

I don't even know what to do with myself!  They were both exhausted, as was I, and I just cannot believe they're in bed and it's still light out.

And WTH is up with the 2.5 year olds resisting naps?  By 4 pm, he's a major pill because he's so tired.  Is this a phase or is it the beginning of no more naps?


Me with my littlest.

Re: Yay! BOTH of my kids are in bed and asleep

  • I definitely don't think it's the end of naps. Preston went through a phase of not wanting to nap, but now he takes a good 3 hours nap. I have read that kids need naps up to age 5 (if possible).

    I'm still at my parent's house. Have to put Preston's pj's on and then we will be leaving to go home to put him to bed.

  • Good for you I wish mine would go to sleep earlier, but the little gut fights me every step of the way. Enjoy the quiet time.
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  • Hey! congrats, that is very exciting!  Hopefully not the end of naps, J is still pretty hard core; at daycare he is 2-2 1/2 hrs, and weekends I can usually get a good 3 hrs out of him.  I would love it if he would sleep past 6:45 in the morning though.

    Are you guys free tomorrow?

  • Enjoy J's naps while you can, C!

    I can't now!  My girlfriend needs some help tomorrow morning. 

    Plus, even though I know it doesn't bother you, B and J are sick.  Fever AND runny stuff.

    I know you said next week was out....are you sure you can't squeeze out a morning or afternoon?  Pick a day and I'll make it work because it's been too long!


    Me with my littlest.
  • No problem, Friday should work as well if you guys are free. Otherwise next Friday  might work- I come back from Vegas late on Wed night, so I am looking foward to dropping J at daycare on Thurs and vegging out all day to recover.  The next week is pretty open except Monday (dr appt and the joy of an early GD screening- ugh), so we will work it out sometime soon!!

     I hope the boys start feeling better, that sucks!

  • Do you want to do Friday afternoon?  That would be fun if you can!

    Me with my littlest.
  • Is later in the afternoon ok- like 3:30? I have a 1pm conference call, but should be open after that. J naps from 1-4 usually, but can easily be cut short.  If so, that works!!
  • Sounds perfect! 

    Me with my littlest.
  • YAY! Now the question is where? Either house is good with me!
  • Come over here!  If it's late enough, we'll just have a little dinner too.

    Plus that way if B is ready for bed early, I can feed him and put him down quickly.



    Me with my littlest.
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