And it's just past 7 pm.
I don't even know what to do with myself! They were both exhausted, as was I, and I just cannot believe they're in bed and it's still light out.
And WTH is up with the 2.5 year olds resisting naps? By 4 pm, he's a major pill because he's so tired. Is this a phase or is it the beginning of no more naps?
Re: Yay! BOTH of my kids are in bed and asleep
I definitely don't think it's the end of naps. Preston went through a phase of not wanting to nap, but now he takes a good 3 hours nap. I have read that kids need naps up to age 5 (if possible).
I'm still at my parent's house. Have to put Preston's pj's on and then we will be leaving to go home to put him to bed.
Hey! congrats, that is very exciting! Hopefully not the end of naps, J is still pretty hard core; at daycare he is 2-2 1/2 hrs, and weekends I can usually get a good 3 hrs out of him. I would love it if he would sleep past 6:45 in the morning though.
Are you guys free tomorrow?
Enjoy J's naps while you can, C!
I can't now! My girlfriend needs some help tomorrow morning.
Plus, even though I know it doesn't bother you, B and J are sick. Fever AND runny stuff.
I know you said next week was out....are you sure you can't squeeze out a morning or afternoon? Pick a day and I'll make it work because it's been too long!
Me with my littlest.
No problem, Friday should work as well if you guys are free. Otherwise next Friday might work- I come back from Vegas late on Wed night, so I am looking foward to dropping J at daycare on Thurs and vegging out all day to recover. The next week is pretty open except Monday (dr appt and the joy of an early GD screening- ugh), so we will work it out sometime soon!!
I hope the boys start feeling better, that sucks!
Me with my littlest.
Me with my littlest.
Come over here! If it's late enough, we'll just have a little dinner too.
Plus that way if B is ready for bed early, I can feed him and put him down quickly.
Me with my littlest.