We have started trying to transition DS into a toddler bed this week. So far it hasn't worked. Its only been 3 days, and I'm not expecting miracles, but I am concerned that I'm going about it all wrong. I having been trying to put him in the bed (which he loves - for play) for his nap and its not working out. First of all, I can't get him to stay in the bed. Second, I don't think he'll sleep with me in the room (I've been trying to sit next to him, rub his back, etc). Today I sat with him for an hour and although he was really sleepy, he wouldn't settle so I ended up putting him back in his crib - which is probably confusing right?? He definetly needs the nap and averages 2hours in his crib. He is not upset/crying while in bed - he just won't sleep there. Should I keep trying what i'm doing, do something else, or wait a few weeks and try again?? Thanks for any tips!
Re: Is he just not ready? Advice needed
he's awfully young (ticker says 18months...is that right?) I'd wait until he is 2...is he trying to crawl out of the crib or anything?
Seems a bit young to me but I was wondering if he would fall asleep anywhere else? DD sleeps in her toddler bed (she's 2.5) but we fall asleep on the couch together & then we carry her into her bed. Maybe you can try that? Then maybe once he wakes up in the bed a couple times he'll realize that he's supposed to fall asleep in that bed? Maybe you can even let him fall asleep in the crib & then move him to the toddler bed?
He is just 18mths and we were only trying the bed to free up the crib for #2. We only have 2 bedrooms, so they will be sharing. We were torn b/ween getting the second crib figuring he'd be moving to a bed around 2yrs anyway (he'll be 20mths when #2 comes and she'll be in a bassinette for a little while also). He is a great sleeper, I hate to screw it up - especially now, but I wanted to give him time to adjust to the new bed if possible.
I think you need to move the crib out of his room. Take that option off the table. Can you take it down until you need it for the next one?
We transitioned DS at around 21 months, I think. So if he's not ready now, maybe he will be soon. DS's crib converted to a toddler bed, so essentially he is in the same bed. We also took the rocking chair out of the room because it was the root of our sleep problems. He has not asked for it since.
However, we still have to stay in the room until he falls asleep. We have debated letting him cry it out but haven't done it. He is now 23 months.