My last appt at 11 weeks was the first time I met the doctor and I was so flustered bc the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler that I didn't ask a single question other than, "when am I going to hear the beartbeat?"
My next appt is on Monday at 15 weeks and now, I'm blanking on what questions I should be asking. I know I wanted to discuss her policies on pain meds during labor and I wanted to find out what's going to happen at each of my appts but otherwise...Help, please.
Re: What questions were you asking your doctor at 15 weeks?
To be honest, I didn't really have any questions.
I'd been having some palpitations that I asked about but my doctor is very forthcoming with information and I read a lot so I didn't really ask anything. Oh, and I did ask what were the chances of her being at my delivery.
I have the same problem sometimes, so as I'm preparing for my next appointment, the previous week or so, I brainstorm with my DH and parents about questions i should ask and I write them down! ?
I have other health issues, so I ask about that stuff, but other stuff you could ask is: ?What weeks are scheduled tests, u/s, blood work, etc. ?Safe/Unsafe activities? ?Discuss any?anxieties?you have about labor and birth. ?Discuss pros/cons of?breast-feeding?to determine what's right for you.?
Everyone's questions are going to be different. I already knew I was going to have another c-section so I started asking questions about that and about my big u/s.
You could start asking questions about inductions (What's your doctors rate, what conditions, how far overdue would you have to be to get one). Their c-section rate. Things like that. Be very proactive about that stuff so if you DON'T like the answers you can either find a different doctor or present your doctor with a birthplan / research.