2nd Trimester

What questions were you asking your doctor at 15 weeks?

My last appt at 11 weeks was the first time I met the doctor and I was so flustered bc the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler that I didn't ask a single question other than, "when am I going to hear the beartbeat?"

My next appt is on Monday at 15 weeks and now, I'm blanking on what questions I should be asking. I know I wanted to discuss her policies on pain meds during labor and I wanted to find out what's going to happen at each of my appts but otherwise...Help, please.

Re: What questions were you asking your doctor at 15 weeks?

  • afgafg member

    To be honest, I didn't really have any questions.

    I'd been having some palpitations that I asked about but my doctor is very forthcoming with information and I read a lot so I didn't really ask anything.  Oh, and I did ask what were the chances of her being at my delivery.

  • I have the same problem sometimes, so as I'm preparing for my next appointment, the previous week or so, I brainstorm with my DH and parents about questions i should ask and I write them down! ?

    I have other health issues, so I ask about that stuff, but other stuff you could ask is: ?What weeks are scheduled tests, u/s, blood work, etc. ?Safe/Unsafe activities? ?Discuss any?anxieties?you have about labor and birth. ?Discuss pros/cons of?breast-feeding?to determine what's right for you.?

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  • Everyone's questions are going to be different.  I already knew I was going to have another c-section so I started asking questions about that and about my big u/s. 

    You could start asking questions about inductions (What's your doctors rate, what conditions, how far overdue would you have to be to get one).  Their c-section rate.  Things like that.  Be very proactive about that stuff so if you DON'T like the answers you can either find a different doctor or present your doctor with a birthplan / research.

  • If you have things you know you want to ask, write them down and carry the piece of paper in your hand to the appointment. (I say in your hand because I've tried to do this in the past by putting it in my purse, and I forgot about it.) There's no right or wrong questions, just ask what you want to know. At my last appointment, which was 16 weeks, I asked if I could get another prescription for Phenergan, what I could do for the terrible migraines I keep getting, and what I could do for constipation if Colace and taking in more fiber weren't helping enough. But you may not need any medication, have migraines, or be constipated, so my questions wouldn't be the same as yours. It's okay to not have anything to ask.
  • Thanks, ladies. Your responses are helpful!
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