I posted here a few days ago about a friend and you were all so helpful (friend is still hanging in there.....made it to 31 weeks).
I've heard there is a correlation between IVF and pre-term labor so I was wondering how many of you had IVF. I'm pg with our second IVF baby and our first was born at 36 weeks. (My friend mentioned above also had IVF). It makes sense if you're pg with multiples but I guess it also holds true for singeltons too. Has anyone heard this or have any experinece?
Re: How many of you had IVF?
I've heard this too. I've also heard it has something to do with the manipulation of the egg but I don't know for sure what the answer is. I haven't spent a lot of time researching yet....if you find anything I'd love to hear more about it.
ditto Destructo - that's what I've heard too.
No IVF here!
THis is what i believe is the explanation as well. There hasn't been any science to show that "manipulation" of eggs would lead to preterm birth. It's about the reasons IVF or ART was needed in the 1st place