My mom watches my dd, my brothers 2 dd's and a friend of mines dd.
My dd woke up sick friday morning (like 2am) I assumed she just over ate. She was at my moms and they feed her junk food. So I sent her later that morning to my moms because she seemed fine. My mom had my friends dd that day too. Well DD got sick that afternoon so my DH ran right over to get her , leaving work early. She was sick all weekend. I stayed hoe from work today unpaid. I found out my mom has my 2 nieces and friends dd today and that the older niece has the runs and puking. Her parents knew she was sick that morning yet they chose to send her anyway. My niece was sick last week and apparently has yet to get over it.
I HAVE to go to work on wednesday if DD is better. Would it be wrong of me to mention to my brother that if his dd is still sick that he should sty home with her so it stops getting passed around. Im am so mad at them right now. My mom is kind of like 'well...they are gonna get it one way or another' and not worrying at all about trying to prevent the passing back and forth.
Re: WWYD? re-sick kids and childcare
I would probably call your brother and ask him how his kids are feeling and "gently" explain to him that you would like to keep the kids apart until everyone kicks the bug and see what he says. Maybe your DH can stay home?
I would also ask your mom to sanitize her house and toys.