
How long will it take DD to forget..

So last week we had a "try" at PTing.  DD initiated it by wanting to wear underwear so I went with it.  She had accident after accident the first day, went on the potty 2 times the 2nd day and on the third day she wouldn't pee.  She held it in for 6 hours until she ended up crying and saying that her "bum hurt".   I put a diaper on her thinking she'd go in it but she just kept on crying and saying that she wouldn't pee.  From that point on, I put her back in diapers and told her to let her pee come out in the diaper or if she wanted to she could go on the potty and she wouldn't do either.  I had to bribe her to get her to go in her diaper.  She's been doing this for 3 days now.  Just holding in her pee.  I'm really worried that she's going to get a bladder infection if she keeps doing this.  How long will it take for her to forget about this and just start peeing in her diaper again?  I try not to mention it at all but when 4,5,6 hours have gone by and her diaper is still dry after drinking plenty I know that she's holding it in still.  She also tenses herself up and dances around like she's holding it in.

Re: How long will it take DD to forget..

  • Underwear just confused my DD in the very beginning.  I let her go naked from the waist down and I had a training potty on hand.  She did really well.  The padded undies are useless and until you DD gets what it supposed to feel like on her bottom, underwear in my experience makes it harder to train.

    We also used a treat system and sticker chart and she was very proud to earn her stickers.  A few days is a bit early to throw in the towel.  Be careful not to send mixed messages. When the diaper is no longer and option then she will train. You have to set the expectation and make her meet it.

    The holding is normal in the beginning.  It is probably confusing to her and she needs gentle reassurance from you that it is ok to pee on the potty and make a huge deal of it when she does.

     Good luck! 

  • Wow...if she can hold it for 6 hours she is certainly able to be pottytrained.  I agree with the first pp.
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