Baby Names

Names your DH loves and you hate?

I always see posts saying 'I love such and such name, but DH hates it' what about the other way around? Are there any names your DH loves and you don't like?

I'll start. DH likes the name Astronaunt for a boy. With the NN Astro. I absolutely hate it.

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Re: Names your DH loves and you hate?

  • Astro, OMG! LOL

    DH's names aren't even awful names. I just don't love them. His top one now is Aaron.

  • LMS05LMS05 member
    Hahaha Astro! My DH loves Leah and Sarah and I like them, but don't love them. There are no names that I hate that he likes.?
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  • Every single name on the planet my DH doesn't care for.  They have to grow on him Stick out tongue
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • do you mean astronaut? at least he has suggestions. my dh likes to say he doesn't like my ideas and he has never come up with a real suggestion. he did say he wants a jr. which i would NEVER even consider and then "bruno" but i'm pretty sure he was joking. i have come up with so many that he likes that he doesn't feel the need to suggest anymore.
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  • Where do I even begin? Aubrey/Aubree/Aubrie, Kendall, Sarah, Natalia, Parker, Cam/Cammie/Cammy, and the list goes on. Not that I hate these names, they're just NMS and I would never choose them for my child.

    Oh, and he once mentioned Caesar for a boy. Our dog is named Brutus.

  • Does your husband hate your unborn child THAT much that he'd name the kid Astronaut?  It's an occupation, not a name.  Why not, then, go with Janitor or Accountant or Mechanic?


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  • The only name DH & I ever agreed on was a boy's name.  We had two girls LOL!  Two he came up with that stand out were Scarlett and Tammy.  He denies Tammy to this day, but I know better...
  • Blaze (for a boy).  Good thing we are having a girl (and agree wholeheartedly on the name!)

    Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)

    IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties

    Surprise BFP 2010

    Surprise BFP 2011

    Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012

    FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN

    FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN

    IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!

  • DH loves the name Noelle. For some reason this name makes me cringe, idk.
  • imagemZoe:

    Where do I even begin? Aubrey/Aubree/Aubrie, Kendall, Sarah, Natalia, Parker, Cam/Cammie/Cammy, and the list goes on. Not that I hate these names, they're just NMS and I would never choose them for my child.

    Oh, and he once mentioned Caesar for a boy. Our dog is named Brutus.


    that's funny! my dh studied classics and is way into all those roman names. he likes augustus and we have a dog named remus.

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  • imagetct1219:
    do you mean astronaut? at least he has suggestions. my dh likes to say he doesn't like my ideas and he has never come up with a real suggestion. he did say he wants a jr. which i would NEVER even consider and then "bruno" but i'm pretty sure he was joking. i have come up with so many that he likes that he doesn't feel the need to suggest anymore.

    See! I can't even spell it!

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  • LMS05LMS05 member

    DH loves the name Noelle. For some reason this name makes me cringe, idk.

    I REALLY like Noelle!?

  • We would like Irish names as our last name is Irish...DH likes Padraig! Ewww! He points out there is a famous Irish golfer named Padraig Harrington.  It's the Irish form of Patrick...we won't use Patrick because it's well used in both our families.

    Other names he liked that I'm not crazy about is Damien/Damian..I can't think of any girl names that he liked that I didn't...I guess because we have a good list of girl names that we like and we're struggling with boy names. I can't wait until we find out the sex soon so we can just focus!

    DS born 2009
    BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
    BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageangluvsammon:

    I'll start. DH likes the name Astronaunt for a boy. With the NN Astro. I absolutely hate it.

    lol!  DH was sitting next to me and his first reaction when I told him this was a blank look followed by , "......Like astro-glide?"

  • image*francisca*:
    Every single name on the planet my DH doesn't care for.  They have to grow on him Stick out tongue

    I'm telling you, Francisca, Joseph is the way to go. What good LDS boy could find a problem with Joseph? It's the perfect name. Not that I'm in any way biased.


  • My husband loves, and I am not kidding, Garibaldi. It was the name of a character on Babylon 5, and an Italian general. (He's Italian.) He loves it, and uses it to try and get a Junior, because he thinks it's the only thing I will object to more than a Junior.

    He loves the idea of a Junior, and I hate that. Especially since we already gave his name to Joseph for a middle name.

    On girl names, we're golden.

  • There are a TON of names I love that he doesn't but the two that make me really sad are Luke and Lily. These are my two most favorite names ever and he doesn't like them. Sad

    He likes the name Guile w/ nn Guy for a boy and Naomi for a girl. There is just no way I would ever agree to either.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • DH likes Dominic and Cody. Bleh - nms.
  • ...Wolfgang. -sigh-

    Not gonna happen.?

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • Atticus-from "To Kill a Mockingbird". I got a baby name book out of the library, and as a joke mentioned that name...he LOVED it! He is a huge book buff, but to me it doesn't get any dorkier sounding than that.
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