Dh REALLY loves Fletcher. The middle name will be Clark and the last name is Gilbert. I am not sure how I feel about it. DS is Finn. I wonder if the two F names are too matchy. What do you think? If you don't like it, do you have any other suggestions? The middle name is for sure. DS's middle name is after my dad and if we have another boy we'll use FIL's name which is Clark. TIA!
Re: What do you think of Fletcher?
It might grow on me. Fletch as a nickname though doesn't sound like the most intelligent name...probably because of that Chevy Chase movie, Fletch.
How about Beckett? That would go well with Finn and you could call him Beck. That was our top boy name (but we are having a girl).
Sorry, it is not my style. I think Finn is a much cooler name. I think something like Rowan, Connor, Gavin, Reid, Logan, or Brady would go well with Finn.
Here's why - When I was growing up, there was a kid at my school named Fletcher, and the kids called him "Flusher." I think it must've been a hard name to say in the early grades. Most of us were much older before we realized his name wasn't Flusher.
I like the name Fletcher. I only know one, and he is a really nice guy, so I associate that with the name.
You do realize though that the name Fletcher Clark, would involve 2 Chevy Chase characters...Fletch from the movie of the same title and Clark of Griswald fame. Someone might to think you guys were really big fans...just a thought....
Agreed. Sorry
Fletcher and Clark are BOTH Chevy Chase movie characters. Fletcher is the name of the movie, and Clark Griswold from all of the Nat'l Lampoon movies.
So, all I think of is Chevy Chase!
On that note, I do love the name Chase though! LOL
With a last name that's a common first name, you should probably anticipate having people try to reverse your son's name (doctors' offices, teachers, etc. will try to read it as Gilbert Fletcher instead of Fletcher Gilbert). Just something to think about.