
Step 2 swingsets?

Anyone have one of those plastic step 2 swingsets/climber combos? We want to gets DS a swingset for his birthday. We are debating on whether or not to go all out and get a nice wooden one installed or just go with a step 2 one for now.

Our backyard is uneven, so if we went with a wooden one we would have it profesionally installed to make sure its safe. A Step 2 one would fit better without much work back there. I"m just worried they're not sturdy since they're plastic.

Are they worth it? We're thinking we should get one of these now, and then splurge in a few years on a big one. Thoughts?

Re: Step 2 swingsets?

  • We have one and the girls love it.  My girls are tiny but I've had 4-5 year olds playing on it.  I think it'll last at least until they're about 3 and 5 or so.  We're thinking of moving so this way we can move this and get the nice wooden one when we're where we think we're going to stay.  Besides, it was cheap and they're so happy.  It's all they need right now.  It has a slide, two swings and a little playhouse.  That's perfect for this age.  The bigger ones are hard for them to climb up depending on which ones you get and everything.  One of my friends has one and none of the kids can get to the top without you lifting them up there so they can't go on the slide or anything yet.
  • We're happy with the one we have.  We do plan to buy a large wooden swingset some day, but I want to go all out on that.  I really want to design it myself.  For right now it's nice having the smaller set that DD can play on alone.  Check Craigslist before you buy one new.  They were about half price.  We bought ours new because DD's birthday is at the end of May, and nothing went up on Craigslist until June.

    This is the one we have.  Best price we found was at Menards last season.  I think we paid about $450.


    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • We have the step 2 adventure lodge and bought it for dd for her 2nd birthday.  She is 3 now and plays on it everyday (most days in the winter too).  She loves it and the other kids who come over play too.  It has a 2 level playhouse, 2 swings, rope climb, and a 2 seat glider, basket ball hoop and a slide.  It was 999 but worth it and it is for kids up to age 8.  We have an uneven yard but we turned it sideways and it was level enough and is very secure and a very strong plastic.
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